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Letters From the Conquer Community

August 2023 Vol 9 No 4

Dear Conquer,

Thank you! I thought The Whole Picture by Lillie Shockney was informative and helpful.

I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in January 2022. I have since had many, many scans and know I will have many more in the future. I would like to mention 2 coping devices that I have found very helpful when having a scan:

  1. My doctor prescribes a medication that I take before a scan to ease feelings of claustrophobia.
  2. Tell the technician how you are feeling or if you have any needs. I've asked techs to talk to me while in the scan, provide updates on the time, and give me reassurance that the scan is going well. I once asked a technician to scratch my nose! They can be reassuring, kind, and helpful in getting you through the scan more comfortably.

Once again, thank you for a great article and a great magazine.


Deborah G.

Chicago, IL

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The Whole Picture by Lillie Shockney

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